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Beer pong tournament planning

What do I need for my Beer Pong tournament?

We are also happy to help you organize your own Beer Pong tournament. Simply write us an email to

We support your tournament financially through discounts or, if necessary, sponsoring .

Equipment / material

Beer per round: 2L beer with 20 cups or 1.5L beer with 12 cups

Tables: Depending on the onslaught and length of the tournament / games, you have to determine the number of tables yourself.

Cups: Either 22 or 12 cups per table OR 11 or 6 cups per team, which the team keeps for the entire tournament

Balls: At least 1 ball per team. As a rule, however, some are lost / broken, so we recommend having spare balls on hand.

Set of rules: So that there are no / few conflicts during the tournament, it makes sense to provide a set of rules that everyone must adhere to.

Design: teams and tournament schedule

First, all participants have to come together in teams of two. In the end, an even number of teams must come out, so that two teams compete against each other. In order to create a smooth process, you have to set up the pairings before the tournament. If there are more than 4 teams, it is advisable to have several tables so that 8 teams can always play against each other. The teams compete against each other in a knockout system, i.e. the winner progresses and competes against the winner of another game.

The rules for a fair competition

>> You can find the official Beer Pong rules here. <<